Four Reasons I Think A Woman Should Write To Her Husband In Her Single Season And Six Ways To Get started

Originally written on December 19, 2020

Writing letters to your future husband has become quite the trend over the last few years. Some people love it others absolutely hate it. I myself am in the middle when it comes to this, I don’t love it but I don’t hate it. Some days it’s fun others not so much it really all just depends on the topic. However it’s very therapeutic for me which is why I think that every woman in their single season should give it a try. If you’re anything like me you’re probably reading this like “ marriage isn’t guaranteed, it isn’t promised that will all get married someday.” I know sis, I know but just hear me out with my reasons on why I think we all should give it a try. At least once.

1. It could be therapeutic– writing letters to my future husband has been shockingly therapeutic for me. I’ve tried journaling in the past but could never get into it. It actually annoyed me to be honest, how and why do people sit for hours writing their emotions in a book?? It never made sense to me but one day back in April of 2019 Jesus told me to start writing so I did. Boy has this change my life. I am not consistent but when I do write I feel so much lighter.

2. It helps me stay pure– I am still a virgin. This is not what I wanted at all, in fact before I came to Christ I would make plans with this one guy to lose my virginity. Jesus would kill my vibe every single time by sending my period on the exact same day as the plans. Or the bus would stop working so he couldn’t get to me. Talk about annoyed. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I now understand why He did it, that guy was not good. Writing these letters reminds me that I want to save myself for one man alone and why.

3. It’s building my trust with Jesus- Now Jesus himself is the one who told me to start writing to my future husband and changed my heart towards marriage in general soooo I don’t think He would do that and not actually give me one. But hypothetically even if marriage isn’t part of his will for my life, writing these letters is helping me know how to trust as well as believe in what I pray for.

4. It’s strengthening my prayer life-Before coming to Christ I only prayed When I wanted something or if I needed him to get me out of a certain situation. Even now as a Christian I don’t know how to go to god about everything, so I write to my husband first then read it back to god.

If you are planning to give this a shot but aren’t sure exactly what to say or how to start here are some suggestions.

• First always date them just in case you read them with him, it’ll be good to see the season God has brought you through and how you handled it.

• Tell him how much you love him and can’t wait to meet him.

• Share current events that are happening in your life good or bad.

• Tell him about the current season Jesus has you in and how you are navigating it.

• Write down prayers for him. You never know they may bless him in the future.

• Share some things the Lord is teaching you with him.

• It’s OK to do a little friendly flirting but always, always keep the letters Christ centered😍

I don’t know about you but I personally struggle with being vulnerable. I prefer to keep everything bottled up but that’s not healthy, especially in marriage. I feel like by writing these letters I already have a safe space and we haven’t even met yet. In these letters God is not only teaching me to be vulnerable but to submit. You may be asking how are you learning to submit through writing letters?? Simple…I’m learning how to let my Guard down, learning how to trust God because I learned that submitting to your husband is submitting to God himself because God called him to lead me but God leads him.

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